Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CLOSING the $CSTR Options Action trade (mike)

original post at bottom

18 may - as usual no follow up from @cnbcoptions (constant trade updates) or from mike about what to do with this trade since putting it on.. stock is at 57ish way overshot to the downside. with may puts expiring today i will close out this paper trade at about .40 which will be about at .45cent loss.. will be no cool music segment on OptionsAction about this one im sure.

google docs spreadsheet for mikes trades: mikes trades


25 apr- another odd selection for a trade by mike, Coinstar

Buy the May/Jun 65 put calender for .85 ($85 per lot)

the explanation was that the front month put decays faster than the second month is accurate but i would assume that it is beneficial that the front month is a little more elevated than this.. the may 65 put has IV of 45 and Jun45 has IV of 40.. so that may put is hardly elevated to take advantage of that "vol crush".. you will get some but not much. options are pricing in about a $5 move. either way will put you right at the range limit of profitability according to trademonster analyse tab. payout is in 2-1 range. pretty much nothing about this trade i like. if you have a bearish thesis then i would go with a straight up put spread. if the front month IV was higher this might be more appealing to me