Wednesday, June 13, 2012

CLOSING the Options Action trade $JNJ - mike

20july - since i carry the losses to opex because of lack of followups i have to as well for the random winner from mike.. this is about a six banger when closing today.. these calls going for about $3.50 from a .65 entry. never know what happened though..took half profits lower? spread it out? be better use of airtime to answer questions like that than show bears wrestling in a front yard...remember that segment?


28jun- got yourself about at triple if you are still in this trade. calls are going for 1.85 now..mikes thesis played out.. i would be taking profits if not all then at least enough lots to get my initial money back. im sure since its a nice winner, optionsaction will be revisiting it with some happy music/cool graphics showing mikes cheesy grin in slow motion..blind squirrel grin is more appropriate.

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6/13 -mike has the options action trade tonight with JNJ, heres the video the video . mike does the opposite of what ive come to expect, that is going several months out , this time does a July call purchase

Buy the July 65 call at .65

like he said in the clip, stock has been dead money for a while. had massive volume today and big move. he may make money on this but stocks that trade in just a $5 range for the last 12months do not get me interested. too many others that actually move to trade out there to tie up capital in this.

mikes on air trades in a google docs spreadsheet

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