Monday, February 17, 2020

The Most Useless Options Action segment ever $TSLA

hard to put into words as to how useless this segment is /was. Chalk it up to a video version of Click Bait. I don't watch CNBC during the day except the occasional Fast Money halftime and the Fast Money podcast replay in the evening (not watching/listening to CNBC during market hours has significantly helped my trading ive noticed, I get better info from my twitter stream, plus some porn.. wait, what?), so I chalk this useless segment up to trying to get eyeballs for the show since they will cover TSLA.

here is the link to the video clip  Tesla clip

so number one, Tony discusses a trade he saw on TSLA.. which Is cool and all but its for the weekly in they expire "tomorrow" being Saturday 15Feb and the show is filmed after hours Friday. which means the options have ceased trading, ie the viewers can not follow along.

secondly, the "trade" is a 680/675 put spread for .75cents. granted the trade may have crossed in the morning and clearly was hail mary lotto type trade for the stock to sell off during the day. didn't have to drop all the way to 680 but a rapid selloff lets say half way to 730 and the "spread" will pop. unclear if that's what the thesis was or was it risk .75 ($70000 per Tony) to make $4.25 ($400000). doesn't seem like a "smart money" type trade on day of opex. point being is this the type of trade to throw out there to the viewers. of all the things to cover. might as well have just said, "hey guys I saw this trade cross today on TSLA, you cant do it yourself because the market is already closed, but we needed to fill 1:30 minutes of air time".

but if you think about it maybe this trade was brought on by a previous TSLA segment , I think it was last week where mike gave the example of the 800weekly call being .05, then next day over $100 and then going out worthless. wonder how many viewers were lured into that to buy the super cheap options for lotto plays. hope not

would have rather the show spent a minute reviewing mikes previous TSLA trade

personally I have an alert set at 750 to get me to pay attention and another at 735...735 gets me looking at a Put sale with best case at or below the 50 day near 530area. technicals might not matter but its something to shoot against.

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